South Alberta Pipes and Drums
Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada


All bands have a repertoire and our band is no different. We have recently agreed on a core marching repertoire in order to help novice pipers remain focussed on the essential. Core sets are:

1. High Road set

2. Scotland the Brave set

3. Green Hills of Tyrol set

4. D/S Malcolm Glass (added to Hot Punch set)

5. Amazing Grace

This page below shows our band music organized as it has been in the past. This will be updated in the near future. The table below has a title of a set, with links to the .bww file (Bagpipe Player), and it will cause a screen to load with options to save the file or print it. There is also a .jpg file (for printing the sheet music if you do not have access to Bagpipe Player), and evenutually, .wma file (to hear the music played) and finally, some explanation about the music and its origin.

If you need to download Bagpipe Player, click on the link. Please note that this program does not work with 64 bit Windows computers or with Macs. Bagpipe player is also available at app stores.

For a complete set of band music in .pdf format, click on the link. Note that this needs to be updated but is mostly current.

In the table "Comments" section, many of the tune descriptions were excerpted from the Lethbridge Legion Pipe Band website and we acknowledge that source. THE FOLLOWING SETS WILL BE UPDATED WITH NEW MUSIC SHORTLY.

01 High Road High Road to Gairloch,
Highland Laddie,
Brown Haired Maiden
04HighRoad090502 High Road aka "Heilan' Laddie", a common choice as a regimental march. Ho Ro Mo Nighean Donn Bhoidheach is the original name of the Brown Haired Maiden.
02 Scotland the Brave Scotland the Brave,
Rowan Tree,
1976 Police Tatoo
03scotlandthebrave070906 Scotland the Brave STB is arguably the best known pipe tune. Rowan rhymes with Cowan and is a Mountain Ash in Canada.
03 Green Hills Green Hills of Tyrol,
When the Battle's O'er
02greenhills070906 Green Hills Two famous retreats played by bands the world over. "Green Hills of Tyrol": This tune is an 1854 transcription and adaptation by John Macleod from the Rossini opera "William Tell", after he'd heard it performed by a Sardinian military band. "When the Battle's O'er": Attributed to William Robb, this march bears a strong resemblance to the melody of Thomas Moore's song "The Last Rose of Summer", but Moore may have only composed the lyrics for the Irish song. The composer credited may have only changed timing to arrive at the tune we recognise today. The tune entered the piping repertoire between the Boer and First World Wars.
04 D/S Malcolm Glass/Hot Punch D/S Malcolm Glass, Hot Punch,
Steam Boat, Muckin' o' Geordies Byre
10HotPunch081005.bww Hot Punch D/S Malcolm Glass was composed to honour our long time retiring Drum Sergeant by P/S John McIntyre.
05 Amazing Grace Amazing Grace Amazing Grace A hymn, a favourite with audiences, written by English poet and clergyman John Newton in 1779.
07 Teribus Teribus,
Mairi's Wedding,
Barren Rocks of Aden
05Teribus090203 Teribus "Barren Rocks of Aden": This mid-1800s tune was an unnamed composition by Piper James Mauchline when a detachment of the 78th Seaforth Highlanders was stationed in Aden. Pipe Major Alexander Mackellar re-arranged and christened the tune. >
08 Skye Boat Skye Boat Song,
Mist-Covered Mountain
07SkyeBoat090502 Skye Boat Folk song recalling the escape of Bonnie Prince Charlie from Uist to the Isle of Skye after his defeat at Culloden in 1746. Stewart escaped disguised as a serving maid in a small boat with the aid of Flora MacDonald. Followed by "Chì Mi Na Mórbheanna" (The Mist Covered Mountains), a folk song in Scotland about the Highland Clearances, at time when the people were evicted from the land to make way for sheep.
09 Blue Bells Blue Bells of Scotland,
I'm No Awa' Tae Bide Awa',
Will Ye No Come Back Again
Blue Bells 090203 Blue Bells These are best known as folk songs. The first one is best known for the first line: "Oh where and oh where is my Highland Laddie gone...". "Will ye no come back again" is a plaintive appeal for Bonnie Prince Charlie to come back and lead the Jacobite cause again.
10 Waterloo Battle of Waterloo,
Cabar Feidh
11waterloo090203.bww Waterloo "Waterloo" was the final (1815) major battle of the Napoleonic wars in which many Highland regiments fought. "Cabar Feidh" is the war march of Clan Mackenzie.
11 Cock o' the North Cock o' the North,
Atholl Highlanders,
Bonnie Dundee
08CockoftheNorth081005 Cock o' the North "Bonnie Dundee" was the popular name for the Marquis of Montrose who led Jacobite forces in 17C Scotland. The tune is the modern form of a 17th century tune called "The Band at a Distance," and may have originally been performed on the harpsichord in a different time signature.
12 Battle of the Somme
13 Wings Medley Wings,
Rose of Alandale,
Braes of Mar,
Jenny's Bawbee,
Glasgow City Police Pipers
13WINGSmedleyA090502 Wings pg 1

Wings pg 2

"Wings" is the march past for the Engineers. Allandale may refer to a village in the English county of Northumberland or a Scottish village neary Hawick, or a ship of that name. The words were written by Charles Jeffreys and the music by Sidney Nelson in the 1840s. "Longueval" is the site of a memorial to the Pipers of WWI. "Braes of Mar" refers the raising of the Stewart standard by John Erskine, 6th Earl of Mar at Braemar on 6 September 1715. However, the words refer to Bonnie Prince Charlie, who led the uprising of 1745. A bawbee is a silver coin. The jig at the end is composed by Donald MacLeod, the most famous composer of pipe music in the 20th century.
15 Flett Medley
17 Flower of Scotland
18 Mo Ghille Mear
19 Irish Set Minstrel Boy,
Wearing of the Green,
Tell my Ma
Irish Traditional Irish folk songs.
18 Flowers of the Forest Flowers of the Forest 18Flowers090203 Flowers Now traditional for Remembrance Day and funerals, this was a lament for the defeat at Flodden in 1513 when Scotland lost thousands of her men and King James IV, to an invading English army.
16 Highland Cathedral Highland Cathedral Highland Cathedral Composed by two Austrians for the pipes, this has become an all time favourite for pipe bands.
18 Londonderry Air (Danny Boy) Londonderry Air 20Londonderry090203 Danny Boy Also called "Danny Boy", the tune is thought to have originated in the Roe Valley of County Derry with words composed by Fred Weatherly (1848-1929) about 1910.
20 American Set Yankee Doodle Dandy,
When the Caissons Go Rolling Along,
Marine Hymn
09american070906 American These are all well known tunes that we play for our gigs down in the USA.
22 Scots Wha Hae Scots Wha' Hae 22ScotsWhaHae051004 Scots wha Hae This relates to a Burns poem about the Battle of Bannockburn. Used as a teaching tune.
23 Exercises Exercises 23Exercises100301 Exercises Somebody's gotta do 'em...
Song for a Smallpipe Song for the Smallpipe
Ae Fond Kiss Ae Fond Kiss
DS Malcolm Glass' Farewell to the SAPD DS Malcolm Glass